How language shapes the way we think
"How language shapes the way we think" - Lera Boroditsky was the TedTalk video I watched for this week’s assignment, in reviewing a presentation. I chose this video because the topic interests me. Lera Boroditsky began the presentation with introducing language, and it’s powerful ability to allow us human to understand one another. She also adds in, how unique each languages are, as every languages have different sounds and structures, with emphasis on structure. She concluded her introduction with an “ancient question,” as Boroditsky describes it: how language shapes the way we think? Upon approaching the question, Boroditsky used history to support the topic and it’s timeline in history, mentioning Charlemagne, the Holy Roman emperor and his thoughts on language, “to have a second language, is to have a second soul.” In contrast, Boroditsky uses Shakespeare's Juliet, “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Boroditsky not only use history t...