Will there ever be a social media platform we can trust completely?

This week, we are to listen to a technology podcasts of our interest, and blog about our position for the topic. I don’t listen to podcasts at all, so the idea of it was pretty interesting, itself. Finding a technology related podcast was easy, but finding a topic of interest was hard.

I did a simple google search for technology podcasts, and click on the first post, "The 9 Best Tech Podcasts" which was written by Kelli on The Muse.Honestly, I chose the third suggestion, Clockwise, because it only lasts 30 minutes, and they cover four topics, which I sounds doable, since I prefer to not get a lecture on one topic. I listened to their latest podcasts, episode 236 and one of the topics was “will there ever be a social media platform we can trust completely?” which, one of the special guest, Cella Lao Rousseau brings up, with the whole Facebook issue. One of the hosts, Dan Moren, threw a question onto the table, is there is a company we completely trust or not.
In my opinion, there is not a company that I can completely trust, and this goes for social medias as well. There are always some kind of rumor in the air, regarding social media and their security. Considering the fact that social media eventually creates an application to be installed on the users’ phone, and if anything, that is one step closer to stealing anyone’s identity. Generally speaking, technology is improving day by day. If one can increase security, one is likely to break through it as well; that’s is how technology works in my opinion.

So what do you think? Will there ever be a social media platform we can trust completely?

Signing out. - Maitrue Yang


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